First Backpacking Adventure

I like to think that we are in Pretty good physical condition.  I run 3-4 times weekly, compete in Half Marathons, it is nothing to hike 10 miles on any given weekend day, however I wasn’t quite prepared for Backpacking.

My husband and I camp at least once or twice a month in our little Teardrop camper, so it wasn’t such a bizarre idea when I decided we should start backpacking.  We did a lot of research and went out and bought all our gear.  Then set out for our first what I thought was going to be a simple and easy first trip out.  Our first adventure was only a 15 mile loop, however the temps were in the upper 90’s.

Things I learned:

  • Bug repellent is definitely your friend.
  • Fresh Fruit is to heavy and I don’t need it.
  • Extra set of clothes is dumb!
  • Why did I bring a Hammock and a Tent, Really?
  • Honestly I didn’t need deodorant.
  • Less is Definitely More!

We honestly did a really good job selecting gear and making sure we had lightweight stuff, however I was being prissy and brought a bunch of crap I didn’t need.  My pack weighted 26lbs for an overnight trip (water and food included), that is honestly ridiculous.  I have cleaned out and lightened up and it down to about 20lbs, which I think will be much more enjoyable for our next outing.

Overall it was a good trip and I am looking forward doing it again.