First Backpacking Adventure

I like to think that we are in Pretty good physical condition.  I run 3-4 times weekly, compete in Half Marathons, it is nothing to hike 10 miles on any given weekend day, however I wasn’t quite prepared for Backpacking.

My husband and I camp at least once or twice a month in our little Teardrop camper, so it wasn’t such a bizarre idea when I decided we should start backpacking.  We did a lot of research and went out and bought all our gear.  Then set out for our first what I thought was going to be a simple and easy first trip out.  Our first adventure was only a 15 mile loop, however the temps were in the upper 90’s.

Things I learned:

  • Bug repellent is definitely your friend.
  • Fresh Fruit is to heavy and I don’t need it.
  • Extra set of clothes is dumb!
  • Why did I bring a Hammock and a Tent, Really?
  • Honestly I didn’t need deodorant.
  • Less is Definitely More!

We honestly did a really good job selecting gear and making sure we had lightweight stuff, however I was being prissy and brought a bunch of crap I didn’t need.  My pack weighted 26lbs for an overnight trip (water and food included), that is honestly ridiculous.  I have cleaned out and lightened up and it down to about 20lbs, which I think will be much more enjoyable for our next outing.

Overall it was a good trip and I am looking forward doing it again.

My Fitness Journal Weekly Review


Hot and Sweaty!

Overall this week hasn’t been a horrible fitness week.  I couldn’t have pushed myself a bit harder in the running area, but the heat is crushing my determination!  🙂

Monday:  Wake up at 5:00 and go for a 30 minute run.  Weekdays I am short on time, so I set a time and not distance. This helps keep me on schedule and on time for work!  Strength Training in the gym at lunch.  Chest and shoulders day, I really have a strong hatred for Bench Presses!   The other exercises we did that day are just a blur.  hehe

Tuesday:  Wake up at 5:00/ 30 minute run.  Lunch time = Strength Training it was back day.  Dead Lifts were on the agenda this day.  These are actually my favorite of the different tortures my trainer comes up with.

Wednesday:  Today is HITT cardio and ABS day at the gym.  If you were wondering I do believe Plank is a 4 letter word!

Thursday:  Woke up at 5:00 A.M. to a thunderstorm, went back to sleep for another hours.  Good thing because it was Leg day at the gym.  In case you were wondering it is Sunday and my legs do still hurt.  I don’t care what anyone says doing squats with a bar and weights on it is a form of extreme torture.

Friday:  Slept through alarm. No run for me.  😦  It was arm day at the gym, it was pretty chill and nothing to crazy.

Saturday: REST DAY!!!!!!!   Did a little hiking and rock climbing with the husband and dogs.  Great day just so hot we couldn’t play outside long enough.


Silvermine Recreation Area

Sunday:  Got up and ran only 3 miles.  The heat and humidity was horrible but, I feel so much better for making myself run even in extreme temperatures.  I just know when it starts to cool down some and Marathon season kicks into overdrive I will be ready!

Remember tomorrow starts a new week and new opportunities to be strong!

Our Battle with Schizoaffective Disorder by the Week

Considering all the drama we had last week one would think this week could only be better and it was!  I have been trying my best to keep my distance while the new medicine gets into her system.  When the voices are loud my presence seems to make everything worse.  My little girl wants me there, but the voices don’t; which makes a very difficult situation.  She called me in a panic Friday afternoon, because she was extremely sick to her stomach.  She called her work and they insisted she come in or get a doctors note.  Everyone hates going to the doctor, but with her disease it is a scarier for her.  She associates it with going there for mental health issues and being admitted to Psych.  I forced her to go and it turns out she had a UTI, which can make one pretty sick.

On a good note while we were waiting, she did tell me that she is feeling much better emotionally and thinks the new meds are helping.  I just try and not think about the future, because it is just to overwhelming right now.  I just take things day by day, week by week.

I know that there are new advances with mental health problems everyday.  I just wish that there was a way to treat mental health patients with more dignity, this would make it more comfortable for them to get and want to get help.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

To be continued next week:

Stressful running week!

With my next half marathon rapidly approaching, I have decided to up my game and start strength training.  So my day begins at 5:00 a.m. with a steady run in the extreme heat and humidity.  Meet with my personal trainer on my lunch break at work everyday for his crazy form of torture.  Lets make something clear, I love running!  Love the feeling I get just being outside and hitting the road, however me and free weights are NOT friends!

I am already feeling some changes in my body and it appears to be helping my running game.  This is my 5th week of lifting and it seems like the soreness I get in my hips from long runs is better and knees aren’t bothering me.  Basically feeling over all stronger body and mind.

Tomorrow is measurement day and I am hoping for good results.  Normally when I start training seriously for a race, I drop some weight, unfortunately I am just maintaining.  Trying to stay positive that I am losing some inches!

To be continued:

Our Battle with Schizoaffective Disorder by the Week

This past week has been a tough for our family.  Katey texted last Saturday from her job to let me know that she was having severe panic attacks at work.  My husband and I immediately dropped what we were doing and headed to the mall where she works.  She has been doing so well the past few months that I knew it was all a matter of time before things went south.  When we got there I could tell by the look on her face that my beautiful little girl wasn’t the one in control at that moment.  I gave her an anxiety pill and she was able to finish out her shift.

We stayed around until she got off to check on her mental state.  After speaking with her for just a few minutes we could tell that her thoughts were garbled and she couldn’t distinguish what was real.  She confessed that the voices have came back and over the past couple of weeks have gotten worse.  They are screaming at her right now she stated.

This is a scary thing for anyone to deal with or understand, but when it is your baby it is absolutely terrifying.  I feel like my child is falling off the side of a cliff and I can’t pull her up and I’m loosing my grip on her.

Since this was all happening on a weekend and we couldn’t get in touch with her doctor, we decided to go to the emergency room.  She was in agreement with this decision.  Katey is a very smart girl and wants help.  We are very new to the world of mental health issues, but we received quite the education last Saturday night.  She was in the hospital and mental health facility after her suicide attempt but not since.  They asked all the right questions to get certain answers from her and immediately assumed she was a danger to herself or others.  Next thing we knew they had taken away her clothes and put a security officer at the door.  After her initial evaluation the conclusion was that she needed a medication adjustment.  Tell us something we don’t already know!  They would admit her, but they didn’t have any rooms available right now. Could be another 24 hours or so, before any were available in the area.  Now lets think about this, she is already in a fragile mental state.  They will hold her there for 24 plus hours with NO MEDS until a room opens up.  Our other option was to take her home and call her doctor first thing Monday morning.  We took her home!

We were able to get in with her doctor Monday and he made some medication adjustments.  She had a very stressful beginning of the week, but was able to somewhat function and make it to work.  Thursday her car wouldn’t start, so that set her back again.  Her stepfather and I immediately went to her rescue.

My daughter and I have a love hate relationship of sorts.  Katey is very attached to her mother and depends on me for most things, however the voices hate me.  To the point it frightens me at times.  The look in her eyes on Thursday, I knew to back off for a few days.  It killed me a little inside, but I didn’t call or text all day Friday or Saturday.  You have to know my blood pressure went up and I was having panic attacks, but I made it through.

Yesterday (Saturday) my phone rang and it was Katey.  I immediately paniced, but she just wanted to chat and it was nice and odd all at the same time.  My husband and I went by her apartment today; dropped off some things for her kitten and her weekly medicine.  She seemed tired, but much better.  I hope she continues to improve!

People ask all the time (especially my mother and mother-in-law) is Katey getting better?  I am starting to except that this is our life, there will be good times and bad.  I am always in constant fear that this horrible disease will someday take my beautiful baby girl away from me, but I must enjoy the now.

I will continue our journey next week.

Long Run Sunday Fail

So tired of making excuses for not running the past few weeks, so I got up with all great intentions.  Hit the front door at 6:30 a.m. with a lovely temperature of 80 degrees and 92% humidity.  Had to get moving we all know it wasn’t going to get any cooler as the day went on.  I only made it three miles and I have looked better after running ten.  🙂

Still Smiling

Still Smiling

I wish everyone a happy Sunday/Funday. I guess it isn’t about the miles today, but the fact that we didn’t let heat and humidity stop us!

The Great Smokey Mountains

Early last fall we had the privilege of spending a few days in The Great Smokey Mountains.  I  immediately fell in love with it’s magnificent beauty. I am by far a professional photographer, but I wanted to share a few pictures we took with our phones while there.

smoke1Just a wild Elk living the dream.  He was completely oblivious to the fact we were invading his territory.  We quietly took our photos and left him in his tranquility.


On top of Cling-mans Dome


Me and Hubby on top of Cling-mans Dome

If you ever get a chance to go you must not forget to climb up to Cling-mans Dome.  It was fantastic and this is coming from the girl that’s completely scared of heights.


Great Smoky Mountain National Park

Next stop a little hiking!  We didn’t get to explore much of the park, because we had our fur kids with us.  Due to bears dogs aren’t allowed on many trails.  We were kinda bummed, but understood!


Ray and Rowdy


Just Posing on a Rock!

Last but not least we ran into part of the Appalachian Trail.  One day I will would love to do a through hike on this fierce trail.

Those are our happy faces!


Appalachian Trail


Appalachian Trail

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the Park.  We have many more camping, hiking and Park Adventures to share.

Schizoaffective Disorder and my daughter through my eyes.

Our story begins when a young woman marries a guy she barely knows and finds herself immediately pregnant. I was over the moon excited (after the initial shock) of finding out that I was having a baby.  As the stress of marriage, baby on the way and career my new husband started changing.  I really had no idea what exactly was going on, except that he would totally withdraw from me and life.  Soon after our beautiful perfect baby girl was born my husband was killed in a work related accident.  It wasn’t until then that I learned of his family history.  His father had died in a mental hospital years before, his younger sister is schizophrenic and he showed signs himself.  This was a lot for a 22 year old widower and mother of an infant to digest.  I lost touch with his side  of the family for my daughters safety, his sister had a hard time with his death and wanted to take my new baby.  (I know now it wasn’t her, but the disease.)  I tried to pretend that this chapter of my life was over and something that I wouldn’t ever have to worry about.

Fast forward 19 years and that beautiful baby girl of mine is now suffering from the same disease that ruined the life of her father’s family.  I am hoping that somehow telling our story will help others and myself deal with this horrible beast.


Meet my beautiful daughter Katey!

She was diagnosed about a year and half ago.  It all started at the end of her senior year in high school and really manifested itself her freshmen year of college.  In December of last year the voices told her to OD on her meds which luckily she survived, it has been a roller coaster for everyone since.

Our Journey to be continued

Let me introduce myself!

I am brand new to blogging and I wanted a place to come and share my life, the good and bad parts.  Hopefully my journey through life will help inspire others and help keep me sane along the way.

Let me introduce myself.  I am a wife, mother, employee, runner, hiker, beginner mountain biker and overall outdoor enthusiast.   I have two fur children (poodle and Italian Greyhound), which make me smile everyday.  My husband is the best and I would be nothing without him.  Last but the most ever present in my life is my 20 year old daughter.  I love her with every bit of my being.  She is battling Schizophrenia and it is the beast that just won’t go away.
