First Backpacking Adventure

I like to think that we are in Pretty good physical condition.  I run 3-4 times weekly, compete in Half Marathons, it is nothing to hike 10 miles on any given weekend day, however I wasn’t quite prepared for Backpacking.

My husband and I camp at least once or twice a month in our little Teardrop camper, so it wasn’t such a bizarre idea when I decided we should start backpacking.  We did a lot of research and went out and bought all our gear.  Then set out for our first what I thought was going to be a simple and easy first trip out.  Our first adventure was only a 15 mile loop, however the temps were in the upper 90’s.

Things I learned:

  • Bug repellent is definitely your friend.
  • Fresh Fruit is to heavy and I don’t need it.
  • Extra set of clothes is dumb!
  • Why did I bring a Hammock and a Tent, Really?
  • Honestly I didn’t need deodorant.
  • Less is Definitely More!

We honestly did a really good job selecting gear and making sure we had lightweight stuff, however I was being prissy and brought a bunch of crap I didn’t need.  My pack weighted 26lbs for an overnight trip (water and food included), that is honestly ridiculous.  I have cleaned out and lightened up and it down to about 20lbs, which I think will be much more enjoyable for our next outing.

Overall it was a good trip and I am looking forward doing it again.

The Great Smokey Mountains

Early last fall we had the privilege of spending a few days in The Great Smokey Mountains.  I  immediately fell in love with it’s magnificent beauty. I am by far a professional photographer, but I wanted to share a few pictures we took with our phones while there.

smoke1Just a wild Elk living the dream.  He was completely oblivious to the fact we were invading his territory.  We quietly took our photos and left him in his tranquility.


On top of Cling-mans Dome


Me and Hubby on top of Cling-mans Dome

If you ever get a chance to go you must not forget to climb up to Cling-mans Dome.  It was fantastic and this is coming from the girl that’s completely scared of heights.


Great Smoky Mountain National Park

Next stop a little hiking!  We didn’t get to explore much of the park, because we had our fur kids with us.  Due to bears dogs aren’t allowed on many trails.  We were kinda bummed, but understood!


Ray and Rowdy


Just Posing on a Rock!

Last but not least we ran into part of the Appalachian Trail.  One day I will would love to do a through hike on this fierce trail.

Those are our happy faces!


Appalachian Trail


Appalachian Trail

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the Park.  We have many more camping, hiking and Park Adventures to share.