Our Battle with Schizoaffective Disorder by the Week

Considering all the drama we had last week one would think this week could only be better and it was!  I have been trying my best to keep my distance while the new medicine gets into her system.  When the voices are loud my presence seems to make everything worse.  My little girl wants me there, but the voices don’t; which makes a very difficult situation.  She called me in a panic Friday afternoon, because she was extremely sick to her stomach.  She called her work and they insisted she come in or get a doctors note.  Everyone hates going to the doctor, but with her disease it is a scarier for her.  She associates it with going there for mental health issues and being admitted to Psych.  I forced her to go and it turns out she had a UTI, which can make one pretty sick.

On a good note while we were waiting, she did tell me that she is feeling much better emotionally and thinks the new meds are helping.  I just try and not think about the future, because it is just to overwhelming right now.  I just take things day by day, week by week.

I know that there are new advances with mental health problems everyday.  I just wish that there was a way to treat mental health patients with more dignity, this would make it more comfortable for them to get and want to get help.

Thanks for listening to my rant.

To be continued next week: